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Topic: Bias in Hollywood
Some time ago, I happened to witness an interview with a senior head of one of the Hollywood movie studios (I’m afraid that I no longer remember his name). During this interview, he was asked about liberal bias in the movie business. He was quick to vehemently deny any left-wing bias, and assured the interviewer that like any other business, Hollywood just wants to make money and was not filtering scripts for political correctness or ideology. At the time I believed him because as liberals always demonstrate, despite all “common-man” rhetoric to the contrary, they are as desperate to amass a fortune as the more honest alternative side of the political spectrum (please see Peter Schweizer’s Do As I Say (Not As I Do)).
I now know I was wrong. The last four years have demonstrated that Hollywood is so left-wing, that it would rather go down in flames than change its message. Consider the following:
On 9-11, America had been attacked in a fashion so severe that the closest historical comparison was 12-7, i.e., the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Suddenly, this great nation was at war all over the globe, fighting an enemy as ruthless and bloodthirsty as the Nazis and Imperial Japanese of World War II. The battles have been both large and covert, from the Middle East into the far islands of the Pacific. Yet, has Hollywood made a single film about 9-11 or the War on Terror? Nope. Not a single one. Think about that! We are living through a period of history that has, and will continue, to shape the future of the 21st Century, but Hollywood has determined it to be a topic that is not of any interest to its moviegoers! Sure, we have had some oblique swipes, such as the awful Kingdom of Heaven, the malicious Jarhead, and the unearthly War of the Worlds, but that is the closest Hollywood has come! Heck, if I ran a studio, I would have had Tom Clancy’s Rainbox Six in production within minutes of the actual attacks! How can we explain this complete lack of interest in such a pivotal topic? Left-wing, in this case, anti-war bias.
But there is more proof.
In the dismal past five years (Hollywood profits have bottomed-out to record lows), there was one BIG surprise hit. I am referring to Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ. Using a formula that any sensible studio would find very attractive, Mr. Gibson produced a record revenue generating film that involved a minimal budget (no mind-blowing special effects were required) and a script faithfully lifted right from the New Testament of the bible (no high paid scriptwriters or hefty copyright fees were required) . With a carefully selected cast of first-rate actors and actresses, Mel Gibson tapped into the Christian heritage of this land and reaped the massive rewards. Both in the theaters and on DVD, The Passion of the Christ gathered devotees, and their cash, with incredible ease. The message was clear: traditional religion sells…and massively! Of course, Hollywood was quick to jump on board, right? Nope. Here we are some two years after its initial release, and the closest Hollywood has come is the soon to be released Chronicles of Narnia, which, of course, is Christian religion disguised as fantasy. However, next year we will be treated to another Christian film, a big budget extravaganza called The Da Vinci Code. That’s right! After witnessing the huge turnout for that “old time religion” known as Passion of the Christ, the closest Hollywood can come to matching Mr. Gibson is to produce one of the most divisive, anti-Catholic screeds that has besmirched the Roman Catholic Church since the arrival of Chick publications.
Bias in Hollywood? Of course not. This is just how Hollywood chases the money. At this rate, they should be bankrupt by the end of the decade and the country will be a better place as a result. God does indeed work in mysterious ways.
Speaking of that second-rate, French author Dan Brown, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, a conservative Roman Catholic organization, has released a new book debunking the myriad lies contained between the covers of his bigoted novel. I reprint it here with their permission and for your edification. Enjoy!
Rejecting The Da Vinci Code: Setting the Record Straight
Fictional bestsellers may be sensational but rarely cause controversy. Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code is an exception.
In the course of his fast-paced 454-page narrative, the author manages to have his characters cast doubt on the foundations of Christianity and the Divinity of Christ. He also manages to embed in his text resurrected Gnostic doctrines, feminist spirituality and conspiracy theories.
Setting the record straight, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has just released the book, Rejecting The Da Vinci Code: How a Blasphemous Novel Brutally Attacks Our Lord and the Catholic Church. It is certain to be part of the controversy surrounding the soon-to-be-released film version of the bestseller.
Written by the TFP’s Committee on American Issues, the 124-page book puts its readers in a position to dispute Dan Brown’s claims against the Church scattered throughout his fictional story. Moreover, it denounces the hidden “code” behind The Da Vinci Code – Gnosticism.
As the title states, the TFP book does more than just refute: it calls for outright rejection. It rejects as offensive the assertion that the Catholic Church is guilty of the “greatest cover up in human history.” It rejects as blasphemous the core premise of the plot that Christ was not God and was married to Mary Magdalene and had offspring. It rejects as absurd the idea that Christ wanted Saint Mary Magdalene not Saint Peter to be head of His Church.
The book also rejects the oft-repeated assertion that the novel is only fiction and therefore harmless. That certainly is the not the intention of Dan Brown who claims he wants the novel to be “a catalyst and a springboard for people to discuss the important topics of faith, religion, and history.” Indeed many are taking the “facts” presented his fictional characters very seriously.
With this book, readers will be able to join in the discussions with verifiable and reliable facts and not questionable historical assertions and gratuitous claims. They will unravel the esoteric doctrines of ancient Gnostics. In his foreword, Father Andrew Apostoli calls the work “an apologetic handbook.” Father John Trigilio, President of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, calls it “a brilliant, succinct and convincing refutation.”
With all the publicity given to the book and movie, a controversy is raging. The TFP book invites readers to join the controversy.
To order this book, Click Here!
Posted by Wargamer Scott
at 10:04 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 7 December 2005 6:52 PM EST