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Topic: Democrats and OBL
After watching The O’Reilly Factor, I am even more confident that the November elections are going to be a huge victory for the Republicans. Why? Tonight, James “the Ragin’ Cajun” Carville and Paul “talk radio listeners are malcontent shut-ins’ Begala, both former senior staffers for the epically corrupt Clinton administration, have revealed their strategy for regaining control of Washington. Their solution? More of the same left-wing nonsense---seriously! I could not believe my ears! To quote General Honore, they are clearly “stuck on stupid”.
It would seem that Democrats are hell-bent on recycling the botched Kerry campaign strategy of labeling President Bush as a failed war time leader. Even Mr. O’Reilly, whose political analysis can be erratic at times, laughed with derision when Begala mentioned that the Afghani battle of Tora Bora, during which Osama Bin Laden is alleged to have escaped from U.S. forces, would be an excellent campaign issue (you can’t make this stuff up!). Mr. O’Reilly, after he stopped chuckling at this nonsense, correctly pointed out that if the DNC really desires to regain control of Congress, they would need something better than harkening back to a battle from December 2001. What new policy ideas should the Democrats promote? After receiving a momentary blank stare, O’Reilly kindly suggested the issue of border security. Both Carville and Begala lapped up the issue with the usual platitudes about Republicans being weak on the issue (for once they were correct) until, yet again, O’Reilly asked what they would do differently. Another round of blank stares commenced until their host suggested a border fence, to which Begala answered with an ambiguous “I am open to that” remark.
I could go on and one with even more examples from these two ridiculous Clintonites, but the point is clear: Democrats still have no clue about how to win an election in this nation. The DNC has become so beholden to their far-Left extremist base that they unable to come up with any fresh, mainstream ideas. Paralyzed with fear of offending their leftist core, slaves to their internationalist-socialist-relativist philosophy, they are unable to shift into gear and actually offer a platform that is suitable to the American electorate. By default, they have decided, time and again, to run against a figment of their imagination, attempting to allure the citizenry with dark, conspiratorial fear-mongering platforms that only an “X-Files” devotee could find pleasing and believable (I am really surprised that the Kerry campaign slogan was not “The Truth Is Out There”). As Zell Miller remarked, the historic Democrat party is a “national party no more.” Or, as Ann Coulter recently concluded:
"In the history of the nation, there has never been a political party so ridiculous as today's Democrats. It's as if all the brain-damaged people in America got together and formed a voting bloc."
In other news, like a kid crying “uncle!”, Bin Laden has graciously offered America a “truce” in the War on Terror. As he put it:
“This message is about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and how to end those wars…It was not my intention to talk to you about this, because those wars are definitely going our way…In response to the substance of the polls in the US, which indicate that Americans do not want to fight Muslims on Muslim land, nor do they want Muslims to fight them on their land, we do not mind offering a long-term truce based on just conditions that we will stick to.”
Now, what is interesting about this quote? As indicated above, Bin Laden is offering a truce! Of course, such a truce is meaningless. As Arab military history has demonstrated time and again, such a truce is a mere ruse to gain time for rebuilding an army’s strength for the next round of hostilities (the communist North Vietnamese used the same tactic). Clearly, with such a perfidious character as Bin Laden, any such offer amounts to little more than a deal with the devil. But what is significant is that the very same Bin Laden, who, in the past has been so strident about bringing America to its knees, has now offered a cessation of hostilities. Simply put: you don’t do this if you are winning. Bin Laden and his cronies are feeling the heat---intensely! All in all, it reminds me of the final days of Imperial Japan, its would-be Pacific empire in shattered ruins, desiring a truce by early 1945….
Another interesting point of the message is how OBL refers to American polling (does anybody know the whereabouts of Dick Morris?!?). Not just that, but also how many of his comments sound as if Howard Dean (John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, et alia) uttered them. For example:
“Bush tried to ignore the polls that demanded that he end the war in Iraq…There is no problem in this solution, but it will prevent hundreds of billions from going to influential people and war lords in America - those who supported Bush's electoral campaign - and from this, we can understand Bush and his gang's insistence on continuing the war."
This guy has got to be on the DNC mailing list! I’m surprised that he didn’t take a page from the shameless Al Gore and demand an end to Al Qaida wiretaps!
The important point is this: Despite the best effort of the terrorists, despite the best effort of democrat fifth columnists, and despite the best effort of an appeasing liberal media, America is winning. We are winning because of the strong wartime leadership of the Bush Administration, the fighting excellence of the American soldier, and the rugged determination of the majority of the American people to win this war and set the world right once again.
"We don't negotiate with terrorists. [We] destroy them."---Dick Cheney
Posted by Wargamer Scott
at 1:52 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 30 January 2006 1:03 AM EST