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The F.E.B.A.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
My Five Favorite Conservative Games
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Bob Grant
Topic: Archive 1

There has been a lot said about the manifest left-wing lunacy of Hollywood, but it has always struck me as very interesting that another portion of modern entertainment media, indeed, a portion that is beginning to eclipse Hollyweird itself, is largely free of preachy left-wing nonsense. No, I’m not referring to television; I’m speaking about gaming. Why is it that the average game is actually quite conservative in its outlook? Perhaps it’s because liberalism is just incompatible with the highly-competitive world of gaming (after all, how do you make a game where no one is allowed to do better than anyone else?)? Or maybe it’s just because gaming is still under the radar of the left (who has time to play a game when there is so much to protest in the world?!?)?

Here are my top five conservative games:

#5: Warhammer 40K: Jeez, how does one quickly explain the complex world of Warhammer 40K? The twenty year’s worth of lore surrounding this game universe makes Middle Earth’s lore seem absolutely superficial by way of comparison! Suffice to say, Warhammer 40K deals with galactic warfare during a dark, brutal time when man is fighting against its own extermination at the hands of implacable alien and deamonic enemies. Begun as a tabletop miniatures game, today 40K has expanded into the world of PC gaming with four (soon to be five) successful RTS games and one MMO currently under development. What is more, the 40K universe has become so popular that the game has spun-off a thriving publishing operation (the so-called Black Library) that has proven popular with both fans of the game and those who have never played it.

Why is it conservative? For me, it has to do with two reasons. First, it is the unrelenting and unabashed way in which the heroes of the Imperium, be it the elite Space Marines or the grunt Imperial Guard, seek the total defeat of their enemies. At a time when America is at war, it can be very refreshing to have a game that abandons the ‘politically correct warfare’ that so many in politics and media seek for us to adopt – no matter how much is harms our cause. I can assure you in the world of 40K, you won’t find the defenders of mankind weeping over a little water boarding or seeking a modus vivendi with their foes. For example, one of my favorite 40K quotes is found in Dawn of War (one of the PC versions of the game) where a Space Marine captain is want to shout “This is the judgment of the righteous!” as he guns down enemy upon enemy. Another great quote from that game is “Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.” And we can’t forget the truism “Success is measured in blood; yours or your enemy´s.” True. In a feminized world, 40K is testosterone-laden refuge of larger than life heroes who make it their life work to obliterate evil.

My second reason is the religious faith that binds the Imperium of Man. While some complain that the religiosity found in 40K has fascist overtones (a not inconsiderate point), I like to look on the brighter side (if there is a bright side in 40K!). The faith of mankind in the “Undying Emperor” is what binds a million disparate worlds in common cause against the hellish enemies that come out of the blackness of space (there’s no multiculturalism in 40K!). What is more, it is this faith that serves to inspire men of all walks to life to heroic deeds that faithless men would never be able to achieve. Again, some of my favorite quotes: “Fear denies faith!” It certainly does. And who could forget that “the difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance.” Lastly, “Educate men without faith and you but make them clever devils.” Good stuff!









#4: World in Conflict: Does any conservative not love the movie Red Dawn? Combining the classic virtues of minuteman vigilance and patriotism, Red Dawn is the conservative movie of the 20th Century. Well, now you can play the game too! World in Conflict is Massive Entertainment’s unabashed offspring of Red Dawn and puts the player in charge of commanding American and NATO forces as they fight off a Soviet invasion of Europe and America circa 1989 (sure, you can play the Ruskies too, but who wants to do that?). Combining innovative 16 v 16 multiplayer gameplay along with graphical realism that could almost be mistaken for news videotape, World in Conflict gives every conservative am opportunity to find out that the only good commie is a dead commie.







#3 EVE Online: A conservative sci-fi video game? Yes! EVE Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game where around 40,000 people at a time (out of a base of 240,000 registered members!) play together in a violent future of factional warfare across a virtual galaxy almost as big as the real thing. But while the combat is fun, what makes EVE Online qualify as conservative fun is it’s robust, player-driven capitalist economy. Unlike many other games, everything in EVE is mined, designed, or manufactured by EVE players for EVE players! What this means is that EVE has become one of the most complex and realistic simulations of a supply and demand-based economy. How complex and realistic? CCP, the game’s developer, has needed to hire an economist to help control real-world issues such as inflation and monopolistic practices by player-run corporations (and yes, in EVE, forming and running massive corporations are a big part of the game’s fun).

This capitalist economy has a very real impact on the players. For example, unlike other games where you are just given everything gratis, in EVE, players are forced to make a living and purchase everything they need. This makes for an interesting dynamic where, as in real life, the player is always on the make for a more lucrative job (be it as soldier, smuggler, manufacturer, trader, corporate CEO or any other occupation that a player finds to be profitable) so he can afford to purchase that bigger ship with better guns, a more efficient mining rig (don’t forget the insurance policy!) or those implants that are all the rage. In EVE, you quickly learn the value of a dollar, er…ISK, and the need to work hard to get where you want to be (so much so that you often see a lot of kids quit EVE because, as they put it: “this game is too much like a job!”).

Lastly, another reason why EVE is a conservative game is the story of CCP. A group of scrappy programmers committed to their vision, despite an underwhelming launch and some unfortunate publisher problems, CCP persisted with their dream and have succeeded in creating a landmark of MMO game design.








#2 Chess: Chess will always be the king of games. Over 1400 years old, Chess spans human history with an enduring strength that defies lesser games. But why do I think it’s conservative?

First and foremost, a quick glance at the two opposed chess armies will reveal a very ordered society in which everyone has a place fitting their abilities. You have the pawns, the most common of all the pieces (albeit, technically, a pawn is not a piece in chess lingo), which despite being on the lowest rung of society’s ladder, are nevertheless willing to form the first line of defense. And why shouldn’t they? While they are lowly, they possess the seeds of greatness within them that, after much hard work and bravery, can germinate and elevate the pawn to any other greater role short of the king himself! There’s a classic conservative lesson in that.

Let’s not forget the king and queen either. They stand side by side as they lead their armies, inspiring their soldiers with personal example. Also, they represent the strength of man and wife as one (politic) body, defending each other and the land. In short, the king and queen are the physical manifestation of harmonious civil governance.

Just to their left and right, we have loyal bishops advising the regal pair. Contrary to modern leftist thought, God-given right reason is essential to the functioning of any kingdom and we see that represented by the closeness of the bishops to their betters.

Knights…well, what could possibly be more conservative than the image of the brave knight? Brave warriors sworn to God and King, the knight is the epitome of conservative manliness.

Then we have the Rooks. With the medieval influence upon chess, this former chariot has come to represent the classic medieval architecture of the castle – perhaps the closest the world has ever come to achieving the perfection of form and function. The rook represents the conservative notion that in truth, there is beauty.

Lastly, even the chess board is a reminder of conservative beliefs. Comprised of white and black squares, Chess is reminder that gray has no lasting place in the world of ideas.

And the #1 most conservative game is....








Monopoly: If The Price is Right is the “all American game show,” then Monopoly has to be “the all American board game.”

Created during the Great Depression, Monopoly was the brainchild of Charles B. Darrow. Initially, Mr. Darrow tried to sell the game to Parker Brothers, but they rejected it because of a reputed “52 design errors”. Undeterred like the good entrepreneur he was, Mr. Darrow sold 5,000 copies of the game to a department store soon thereafter. It proved so popular, that Mr. Darrow couldn’t keep up with the subsequent demand! Those initial sales were the beginning of a flood that has not ceased, totaling some 200 million copies to date!

What conservative wouldn’t like a game where you can become a millionaire by buying and selling real estate? Where you start with a modest house but work your way up to hotels and, ultimately, buy the whole neighborhood?!? For all its simplicity, Monopoly manages to capture the essence of American capitalism and entrepreneurship within its elegant confines. Simply, it is the American dream in a box!



Posted by Wargamer Scott at 8:16 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 June 2010 9:02 PM EDT
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