Friday, 4 February 2005 - 1:31 AM EST
>>>Yes, but who decides what is best for society? Religion? Christians?
In a republic, like the US, the people, through their elected representatives, decided what is in the best interests of society. That is the way our nation functions. An because we are an open society, this can be a very dynamic process. For example, during the so-called "counter-cultural revolution", sexual experimentation was in and often encouraged. Now, because of almost 40 years of resulting evidence that such "alternative lifestyles" can be quite harmful to society, the American people are beginning to oppose these legalistic attempts at social engineering. Such are the (fortunate) vicissitudes of republics.
>>>Why should some people be ostracized simply because of how nature told them to love?
First, to what ostrcization are you referring? The last I checked, there were no homosexuals being loaded onto boats and cast adrift on the ocean. In fact, last I looked, there were at least three TV shows and countless magazines and political organizations dedicated to spreading the homosexual message. That is a strange way to be ostracized.
Second, forget this whole "nature" bunk. Men and women are not animals, they are rational creatures. Just because an impulse directs some in a particular direction does not mean that impulse must be obeyed. Nature also dictates that certain species, as well as certain humans, practice cannablism. Should that impulse be obeyed as well because it is ordered from "nature"---the new pagan god?
>>>Two adults caring for one another.
Again, no one is arguing that two same-sex adults cannot "care" for one another. What IS at issue is what legal rights such couples enjoy---an entirely different matter.
>>>Bringing goats or man-boy love into the equation is just a red herring.
Not at all. If one was to follow the logic made for same-sex unions to it logical conclusion, NO relationship can be prohibited as long as it is consensual. It is very interesting to note that many of the same arguments being used for same-sex unions was first put forth by NAMBLA: the North American Man-Boy Love Association, a group that has consistently promoted BOTH homosexuality and pedophilia. That should give anyone pause for thought when evaluating these ridiculous arguments in favor of same-sex unions.
>>>I find it quite ironic and hypocritical that Christians, at one time persecuted by the Romans for being a homosexual suicide cult, would turn around and oppress those who disagree with their teachings.
Again I ask you: WHAT OPPRESSION?!?
If you don't like the teaching of Christianity, don't be a Christian. It is as simple as that. Nothing gives homosexuals the right to impose THEIR beliefs upon religious organizations. It was not religious organizations that sought to bring the might of the state into the private sphere of adult relations, it was the homosexual groups that did. Now they are complaining that they are reaping what they have sown. How ironic is that?
>>>Futhermore how can religion be the basis for such discrimination when the only proof we have of divine revelation is the earth we live on?
Way off base on that. First, WHAT DISCRIMINATION?!? Second, we have the Bible as proof of divine revelation. And the Bible clearly prohibits homosexual relations.
>>>Homosexuals are people created from this earth as we all are, so how can we say that they don't deserve the same rights as others?
Children are people "created from this earth as we all are", yet they do not enjoy the same rights as adults. The point is this: rights are political, social, and economic principles protected by the rule of law due to its value to society. Not every human inclination must be accorded the status of a legal "right" because somebody feels disenfranchised. If what you practice is detrimental to the well-being of society, you action will not be protected by law; it will not be considered a political right. Such is the case with same-sex unions.
>>>Isn't it just the will of nature? If sexuality is a choice, when did any of us choose to be straight or gay? The earth is a living organism just as we are. Maybe homosexuality is simply nature's form of population control.
By that Gaian logic, we should immediately suspend the use of anti-biotics as disease is clearly just nature's method of population control. The same for mass-murderers. After all, who really believes someone "chose" to live the dangerous and bleak life of a serial killer.
Men are not animals, but rational creatures. Nature does not control our will, God-given reason does.
You know, I have always found it perversely fascinating how the homosexual moment willfully seeks to be portrayed as no different that your run-of-the-mill animal. And then they wonder why they aren't accorded all the dignity they believe they deserve.