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The F.E.B.A.
Wednesday, 19 January 2005
Where's the pretentious emoticon?
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: True Sounds of Meat
Narrow thunder rippling
Swollen sky embracing
The electricity
Of gravity's lament

Posted by gillymarty at 8:02 PM EST
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Thursday, 20 January 2005 - 12:07 AM EST

Name: Scott


Do you have a copy of the complete lyrics? I must say that I also found the music to be haunting and full of emotion.

Can you tell us some more about Ms.Newsome?

Thursday, 20 January 2005 - 4:07 PM EST

Name: gillymarty

I don't know much about her other than that she is wee. I feel like she is both child like and elderly at the same time. That song has made me cry so many times that I've lost count. I can't understand how someone so small could kick my ass so badly! By the way, how do you like my poem? It was part of a larger book of poems that I recently edited. When I say 'edited' I really mean destroyed. So much of it was pretentious drivel that I couldn't even bare to acknowledge that I wrote them. This is probably one of three that are left. It is now morphing into a book of proverbs. More to follow soon...

Friday, 21 January 2005 - 2:03 AM EST

Name: SDT


I didn't know that was your poem. I thought it was some lyrics from another Newsome song!
I like it. How long ago did you write it? I never knew you wrote poetry, I thought that was only Roger's thing. :-)
I look forward to reading further poetry posts from you.

BTW: What inspired that particular poem?

Friday, 21 January 2005 - 5:11 PM EST

Name: gillymarty

The date that I wrote the poem is actually the title - "12/28/96" I was outside one night and you could kind of here thunder off in the distance. It wasn't that loud, booming, wide kind of thunder - more of like a narrow crackling. It just sort of came to me as I thought about the coming storm. At that point I was into writing things that have the same number of syllables per line. I don't know if it really makes sense but it kind of felt right - gravity pulling the tears of heaven toward the earth or something.

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